The project
Recently I have searched a foms editor – wizard” in web mode. I looked for it on internet, believing many projects should greatly deal with this problem (I don’t like to develop something if it already exist). After many tests I have come to the conclusion that it does not exist (or that it is not well “referenced”…).
Also I have taken advantage of my holidays to do this “little” project.

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After the article “How to sign a PDF in Java” I had various demands concerning the verification of this signature.
You will find in this article an exemple of code which permit to check this.
Tools used
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A good use of style sheet.

I often print an article to keep a copy. I use most of the time a “see before printing” to select the pages I want to print. But I’ve remarked that 50% of the printing area is employed with publicities or menus.
When we create the design of a site we foresee an area for menus, for publicity and sometimes others specific areas to boost the look and the ergonomic of the site.
These areas useful for the navigation become a pain for the printing of the article. However it is very simple to handle this problem if you use the style papers.CSS.
In an ecological wish (it’s tendance) but also to have a “cleaner” printed text, I am going to explain you how to adapt your WP theme to print correctly.
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The reasons of this little project
Recently I had a little problem on a Websphere application server. A JSP page running on this application server had a problem (a no ending loop). This was a bit hard to identify because noting permit to isolate on this server the pages running.
To solve this lake of informations I realized a little Servletfilter which permit to monitor this.
I propose you this little tool for exemple as a ServletFilter. I wish it would be useful to you.

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Rbl-Navigator is my second plugin for WordPress. In this plugin I just integrate a treeview menu in a widget.
This plugin permit to represent in just a widget your last articles, the list of the categories (and their “n” last articles), static links and the directory contents. I think I am going to add soon, if it seems usefull to you, the blogroll and the list of the last comments.
Exemple of use

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For the lambda user it is very difficult to “test” Linux. Indeed, everybody don’t have many computers, the installation in a virtuel machine or in DualBoot can be risk and the tests with a “live-CD” distribution are quickly limitated.
It is in this point of viewthat I tried “andLinux” which is a Ubuntu complete distribution which directly works under Windows.
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Treeview is the first component that I have developed (at the time in C + + for Windows 3). Since then I accommodate this development in various languages.
So I present you the last of the Tliste family PHP version. This component is a freeware under license GPL.
This component is a set of two classes PHP tliste the base class and rd_l which represents an element of the list. It is, in my opinion, relatively easy to use and easily adaptable. It’s still a “beta” version, which should be cleaned and I think also to produce two distinct versions for PHP-4 and PHP-5.
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We all usually use images, butons and icons in our applications. I also often need some to improve the look of my developments. The solution “image research” or on an other classical engine need a high work and moreover, the using condition (licence) of the founded image are very hard or impossible to identify.
So I search specifics sites which propose to me an icon library (I wanted a sober interface, easy to use and free images).
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I have worked in the informatic for over twenty years and during all these years I have used many different data bases (relational, hierarchic, or network).
So I have followed the evolution and sometimes the disparitions of these data bases.
Today I am still surprised of teh small place that DB2 occupy on the open Systems, and I give you in this article my opinion on this lateness.

First I would say DB2 has no problem on the Open Systems :
- Performances : very good
- Price : Competitive except of course in front of OpenSource
- Functionality : Good security
- Evolution : Regular version of the product
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The probleme

During his installation Websphere is configure to accep all the users identification (wihout passwords) to accede to the administration console.
You can type anything it goes perfectly, there is no verification.
This is of course unacceptable and in the recent versions, a ‘wizard” lead you to activate the global security. But it activates all the J2EE security what is most of the time useless.
The goal of this little article is to explain you (I hope in a clear way) how to securate the access to the WAS administration console without activating the whole J2EE security.

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