Recently I had to research a solution to sign a PDF document. I think I am not the one to have this sort of problem, so I put here the result of my tests for the community.
With this you can create and sign a PDF document with a PKCS12 certificat. When you signed a document you include in this document your numeric signature.
It add automaticly this sort of pictures in PDF document and moreover to signed it. So it forbid any modifications by saying the transmitter (the signatory of the document).


In many projects of web developement I had to make the forms more dynamic to integreate easily many syntax tests. After many research on the web and tests I chose a DHTML tools Form-Validation by DhtmlGoodies.
Somes functions of this tools were absent. So to integrate them I had to modificate this tool.
Added Functions :
- autoSkip : skip to the next zone when we enter the maximall number of charactere.
- Display error message : You can define an error zone to display this message.
- Added Checkboxs and radio butons
- Two displays errors levels “zone” and “line”
- Add callback function to offer the possibility of executing javascript code during validation or invalidation of a zone or all forms.
- Format of the numerical’s zones
News – Updates
6 december 2007 : Some corrections (bugs and, display problem), widgets modification to add open/close option. Add bottom sidebar.
Chose a theme…
After having tested some blog’s engines (dotclear, drupal, joomla, ..), I chosed WordPress. This choise done I needed to configurate it and chose a theme and plugins.

I wanted a theme with the following functions :
- Fluid Width
- 3 colums
- Widget ready
After many tests I select “Illacrimo” by Design disease .
I had to do some modifications on this theme to be totally satisfied.
I made the following modifications :
- I change the left colum to give him fluid width
- I change the left “date” colum to include it into the title
- Correction of a little bug with WordPress 2.3.x
If you do some corrections or modifications in this theme I would be pleased if you send me a copy of it.
Rbl – Illacrimo – Français
Rbl – Illacrimo – English
When I publish a news in my blog I need some CSS styles. To define this in wordpress I use an external css with a simple import tag put in main css file theme (I found no plugin to do this).
Code to include an external css in “theme/yourTheme/style.css”
@import url(“/myCss/myStyle.css”);
Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info Exemple avec alert info
Exemple avec alert warning Exemple avec alert warning Exemple avec alert warning
Exemple avec alert Link
Exemple avec alert Feed
Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code
Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code
Exemple avec alert Code Exemple avec alert Code
Exemple avec titre1
Exemple avec titre2
Exemple avec titre3
Exemple avec titre4
Exemple avec titre5
Exemple avec titre6
Table “tbl0″
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
col4 |
col1 |
col2 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
col4 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
254,52 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
2.40 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
2 545.00 |
Table “tbl1″
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
col4 |
col1 |
col2 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
col4 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
254,52 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
2.40 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
2 545.00 |
Table “tbl3″
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
col4 |
col1 |
col2 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
col4 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
254,52 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
2.40 |
col1 |
col2 |
col3 |
2 545.00 |
tChart is a Chart Applet. The applet’s size is very small (14Ko…25Ko). tChart runs on all browsers with JDK 1.1 support (or greater).
tChart is a simple sample of my cChart Component. With tChart you can draw : Bars, lines, pies, data tables, Area…

News V5.31
Version V 5.31
- Correct a small bug (when all values < 0)
Version 5.30
- add new presentation mode (point mode “8″)
- Can change color in line
- restore bgimg option and add center right and mosaic options
- add javascript’s functions
- and more….
Version 5.20
- Rotate Texte in label and Ox axe
- add tChart4 with auto-refresh
- can change origine position
- can change all font
- add public method to addRow in javascript
- change presentation in line and NAN value