Berthou.comA french developper blog | |
Archive de December 2007DescriptionA few days ago I had a little problem when I tried to deploy in WAS 6.0 (Websphere Application Serveur 6) an application including a PDF signature. java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Error in loading the keystore: Private key decryption error: (java.lang.SecurityException: Unsupported keysize or algorithm parameters) ResolutionThis error is caused by the JCE libraries used by the virtual java’s machine executing WAS. This JVM is the standard version and it had a limited support of cryptographie’s algorithme. To correct this you just have to substitute two jar files in teh configuration of the JVM IBM (local_policy.jar et US_export_policy.jar). When the file is download you had to:
DescriptionaTicker is a simple, free and small Ticker texte scrolling Applet. aTicker runs on all browsers with JDK 1.1x support. (aTicker is free with all source code). Source HTML<applet codebase="/jar" archive="applet-aticker.jar" code="com.berthou.applet.aticker.aticker.class" width=220 height=20 mayscript> <param name=file value="s"> <param name=cSep value="§"> <param name="speed" value="1"> <param name="delay" value="30"> <param name="local" value="true"> <param name="bgcolor" value="13693183"> <param name="Font1" value="Verdana, 14, 0, 0"> <param name="Font2" value="Verdana, 14, 1, 1220"> <param name="s0" value="JavaSide § § _load"> <param name="s1" value="Mess 2 § javascript:alert('Salut...') § _script § ?PopupJavascript"> <param name="s2" value="berthou-fr § § _load"> <param name="s3" value="berthou-us § § _load"> </applet> On the webWhen I surfed on the net, I discovered the site . This site makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service. With a subscription you can get a priority processing and so you can reduce the waiting delay (30 min without sunscription). do this on 3 OS (Windows, Linux, Mac) and propose a large choice of browsers. I especially like the old browsers versions and the possibility to download all screenshots in 1 zipped file. LiaDash
How to play …
DescriptionNews version ! Correct bug in categories tag rbl-listtag is a WordPress plugin, it can display in a page or in a post the last comments or the last posts filtered by tags or categories. Installation
DescriptionThis news is the following of “How to signing a PDF with Java” Run Websphere on other user than rootFor his installation Websphere need to use root account. The installation’s script don’t propose the creation or utilisation of an other user account. This is disturbing because all the objets created by Webphere belong to root. Modifications to doI take in account that you have created the user and the group that you wanted. After that you just have to connect yourself to the Websphere’s administration console to change some parametres in this page : Execution process parameters. Warning : after this you must change the owner of all files and directorys read by Websphere ( $WAS_HOME/ and your WebApp and all other required files) Index
DescriptionaDraw is a drawing java applet including a save option with acxImage and jspImage components or a php script. It works on all the navigators supporting the JDK 1.1. With this java applet you can easily include a drawing option in your Internet or Intranet site. DownloadNewsVersion 2.00
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