Plugin WordPress – rbl-listtag
Author: rberthou
News version ! Correct bug in categories tag
rbl-listtag is a WordPress plugin, it can display in a page or in a post the last comments or the last posts filtered by tags or categories.
It’s my first plugin, you can send me either your bugs or comments.

- Upload rbl-listtag.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- That’s it!
This plugin is easy to use. When it’s activate you can add in your page or post :
- %%rbl-tag-java-5-monstyle%% : Display the last 5 posts with java tag and format the html table with monstyle css style
- %%rbl-cat-db2-5-monstyle%% : Display the last 5 posts with db2 categories and format the html table with monstyle css style
- %%rbl-cat-db2,mysql-7-monstyle%% : Display the last 7 posts with db2 or mysql categories and format the html table with monstyle css style
- %%rbl-last-last-5-monstyle%% : Display the last 5 posts and format the html table with monstyle css style
- %%rbl-com-comments-5-monstyle%% : Display the last 5 comments and format the html table with monstyle css style
The data displayed for the post are : title, excerpt, number of comments, modified date
And for the comments : Title, the author and the 60 first char of the comments
You can use a CSS style in the generated table
.tbl2 {
FLOAT: left; WIDTH: 40%;
BORDER-TOP: #2020a0 3px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #2020a0 3px solid;
COLOR: #2020a0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent
.tbl2 .r1 { COLOR: #2020a0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0f0f0 }
.tbl2 .r2 { COLOR: #2020a0; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d0f0ff } |
- 09/12/2007 : Version 1.01 replace query_posts function by get_results ( bugs )
- 08/12/2007 : Version 1.0 plugin creation
One Response pour"Plugin WordPress – rbl-listtag"
It’s the first time I commented here and I must say you share us genuine, and quality information for bloggers! Good job.
p.s. You have a very good template for your blog. Where did you find it?
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