WWW – Butons and icons libraries….
Author: rberthou

We all usually use images, butons and icons in our applications. I also often need some to improve the look of my developments. The solution “image research” or on an other classical engine need a high work and moreover, the using condition (licence) of the founded image are very hard or impossible to identify.
So I search specifics sites which propose to me an icon library (I wanted a sober interface, easy to use and free images).
The result of my research show to me three very interesting sites :

This site propose an easy research on his image bank and display the size and the licence conditions of each object.
An advanced research option permit to filter precisely the size or the wanted licence.

The interface is also very sober and easy to use. A research option by a “cloud tags” is avaible.
I regret that the licence and the size of the image can not be seen at once.

I find it less practical to use but however interesting. And it always permit to have a widest choice of images.
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