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Archive de la catégorie ‘www’andLinux
It is in this point of viewthat I tried “andLinux” which is a Ubuntu complete distribution which directly works under Windows.
So I search specifics sites which propose to me an icon library (I wanted a sober interface, easy to use and free images). Web NewsIf it happens, it would be the biggest buying on the net. Indeed, to counter Google (who gives the impression to bother it), Microsoft announce a buying proposition of Yahoo for 45 milliard dollars. I remember you that Yahoo exist since 1994 and the two (ex) student of Stanford (David Filo and Jerry Yang)can be very proud of their project ans of his valorization. Some news of the webAfter three “releases candidates” the final version of the excellent XWiki software is avaible to download. Xwiki is a Wiki Open Source multilingual, entirely written in Java. It offers all the services of a well securisated Wiki and permit an easy developping of the specifique functions (very useful to integrate this in existing applications). This sort of tools permit to develop quickly an entreprise Intranet by adding quite easyly specifique functions. In my opinion I find the first contact very simple and quick. I particulary like the panel interface, the flux reader “Xwiki Watch” which is really very powerful and the exportation in RTF or PDF format. If you don’t already know this tool I invite you to discover it quicky.
It will give to Sun a popular database missing from its catalogue and it’s a very good database… More informations on this news On the webWhen I surfed on the net, I discovered the site . This site makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service. With a subscription you can get a priority processing and so you can reduce the waiting delay (30 min without sunscription). do this on 3 OS (Windows, Linux, Mac) and propose a large choice of browsers. I especially like the old browsers versions and the possibility to download all screenshots in 1 zipped file. |
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