A french developper blog

Exemple tChart

tChart2 sample use

This is a small tChart applet sample. You can chose different data file and display mode with right combobox.

  • auto Scale : m_0.txt exemple simple utilisant le calcul automatique du min et max
  • Nan Test : dd.txt use du Nan (Not a number) if no values for cols
  • Bar (bullet): m_0197.txt Display bar with bullet on mouserOver
  • Manual scale: m_0197.txt le même avec modification des min et max manuellement
  • Mscale 5 elt: m_0197.txt le même avec modification du nombre d’élément par page
  • Test ASP : vc.asp Exemple de generation du fichier de données a partir d’un ASP
  • Test PERL : Exemple de génération du fichier de données a partir d’un script Perl
  • Mode 8 : Exemple du mode simple point

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tEurocalc sample


tEurocalc sample use

This is a sample of tEurocalc applet’s use. In this sample I define a background image and set Belgium as default active moneys.

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tEurocalc sample 2


tEurocalc sample 2

Another exemple of the use of tEurocalc applet.

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tChart2 sample

Another sample

This sample reads all data in applet parameter (no external data file) and making different types of presentation.

  • format decimal : frm
  • setLetend : ilg
  • convert unit : unit

All data in parameters is a good solution to display a text in other charset (Japanese, chinese, greek,…).

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JVMine – Minesweeper

This small applet is a "minesweeper" clone, the goal of the game is very easy, you just have to discover and mark all the mines. To do this you have as option left clic which show you the land (you loose of there is a mine) and right clic which mark a mine (if the case is not discovered).

For developpers all source code is avaible here

i have also done a midlet version of this game and I think I am going to propose it to you soon.

PS : My best score is in expert mode 153 sec.

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With this tool you can chose a color and get decimal and hexadecimal value


Sample aDraw



This is a sample of aDraw applet. The save option is activate (write in PHP and GD librarie) . Warning, this save option in PHP is a beta version (I'm not an expert with php and gd lib).
  • Save in php (test) ...
  • Servlet : zipservlet

    This article aims at presenting how to create a servlet that sends a zip file to the user. We create here a html page with a form where you can enter an url. The servlet will get the content of this url (only the html page, not the images or other frames), create a zip file with it, and send you the file.
    This example can be used as a basis to do various things.

    • Sending a file with a servlet
      This involves two headers: Content-Type and Content-Disposition. The content type is set to "application/zip". The other one is used to specify the filename used by the browser when it starts downloading the file.
      This header replace "res.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;;");" (not work with IE5) In this example, we create a zip file. We'll discuss later on how to create such files. As soon as we get a byte array with the zip file, we are ready to send it. We simply call out.println(zip) to send the file.
    • li>Creating a zip file Have you ever noticed the package ?
      Basically, a zip file is created by adding ZipEntries to a ZipOutputStream. Once we have create a ZipEntry with a file name, we are ready to write an array of byte to the ZipOutputStream. Then we close the entry, finish the work with a call to finish(). We finally get a String containing the zipped file.
      zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("file.html"));
      String zip=bout.toString();
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