Berthou.comA french developper blog | |
DescriptionaTicker is a simple, free and small Ticker texte scrolling Applet. aTicker runs on all browsers with JDK 1.1x support. (aTicker is free with all source code). Source HTML<applet codebase="/jar" archive="applet-aticker.jar" code="com.berthou.applet.aticker.aticker.class" width=220 height=20 mayscript> <param name=file value="s"> <param name=cSep value="§"> <param name="speed" value="1"> <param name="delay" value="30"> <param name="local" value="true"> <param name="bgcolor" value="13693183"> <param name="Font1" value="Verdana, 14, 0, 0"> <param name="Font2" value="Verdana, 14, 1, 1220"> <param name="s0" value="JavaSide § § _load"> <param name="s1" value="Mess 2 § javascript:alert('Salut...') § _script § ?PopupJavascript"> <param name="s2" value="berthou-fr § § _load"> <param name="s3" value="berthou-us § § _load"> </applet> This article aims at presenting how to create a servlet that sends a zip file to the user. We create here a html page with a form where you can enter an url. The servlet will get the content of this url (only the html page, not the images or other frames), create a zip file with it, and send you the file.
li>Creating a zip file Have you ever noticed the package ? zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("file.html")); zout.write(b,0,size); zout.closeEntry(); zout.finish(); String zip=bout.toString(); |
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