Berthou.comA french developper blog | |
DescriptionUsually in software devellopement we use values liste that we take from “properties”, SQL tables or in the worst case, “in hard codding” in our application. As many people I had this problem ans I solve it by creating “Tables Memories”. It permits me to limit the access to the database (or file), to low the occupation memory by having just one request of these memories liste, and to simplify my code. This code is quite old and could be improved (use of the patern singleton instead of a full static classe, synchronize optimisation…). I use this in a huge number of project and I always report these modifications because I don’t have any performance or memories problems. FonctionsDuring the cration of this componant I wanted to have the following functions also I simplify in maximum its use in a JSP page or a Servtel :
DescriptionaTicker is a simple, free and small Ticker texte scrolling Applet. aTicker runs on all browsers with JDK 1.1x support. (aTicker is free with all source code). Source HTML<applet codebase="/jar" archive="applet-aticker.jar" code="com.berthou.applet.aticker.aticker.class" width=220 height=20 mayscript> <param name=file value="s"> <param name=cSep value="§"> <param name="speed" value="1"> <param name="delay" value="30"> <param name="local" value="true"> <param name="bgcolor" value="13693183"> <param name="Font1" value="Verdana, 14, 0, 0"> <param name="Font2" value="Verdana, 14, 1, 1220"> <param name="s0" value="JavaSide § § _load"> <param name="s1" value="Mess 2 § javascript:alert('Salut...') § _script § ?PopupJavascript"> <param name="s2" value="berthou-fr § § _load"> <param name="s3" value="berthou-us § § _load"> </applet> This small applet is a "minesweeper" clone, the goal of the game is very easy, you just have to discover and mark all the mines. To do this you have as option left clic which show you the land (you loose of there is a mine) and right clic which mark a mine (if the case is not discovered). For developpers all source code is avaible here i have also done a midlet version of this game and I think I am going to propose it to you soon. PS : My best score is in expert mode 153 sec. This article aims at presenting how to create a servlet that sends a zip file to the user. We create here a html page with a form where you can enter an url. The servlet will get the content of this url (only the html page, not the images or other frames), create a zip file with it, and send you the file.
li>Creating a zip file Have you ever noticed the package ? zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("file.html")); zout.write(b,0,size); zout.closeEntry(); zout.finish(); String zip=bout.toString(); |
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